Roementum: Buddy Roemer Hits 3% in New Hampshire

A new poll out this morning by Public Policy Polling shows former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer registering his first significant blip of support in the Granite state.  With little more than a week to go before voters head out to vote, it’s doubtful this is the start of any significant surge of interest in the Roemer campaign.  Rather, it’s probably a product of the former governor’s aggressive pressing of the flesh in advance of the nation’s first primary.

Unfortunately for Roemer, even if he did score some kind of surprise showing in New Hampshire, he’s not going to be able to do much with it.  Having failed to make the ballot in Missouri, Virgina, South Carolina, Florida and other key early states, all signs point to a Roemer exit from the GOP race regardless of his New Hampshire showing.  Instead, he appears ready to take his low-budget campaign online, attempting to the Americans Elect nomination and the 50-state ballot access in the November general election that would come along with it.

Roemer has been excluded from every Republican presidential debate to date, based on his poor poll numbers.   It remains to be seen if this 3% showing, which ties him with more well known candidates like Rick Perry and Rick Santorum, will change that before January 10.


  1. If Roemer is not allowed into last couple of debates, will END the influence of NH in forthcoming presidential races. The “establishment” has prevailed, and made party-controlled Republican debates the ONLY criteria.

    Gone is retail politics and the chance for a super-qualified but not rich candidate–Buddy Roemer–to make it in NH.

    NOT GOOD FOR THE NH PRIMARY. But that’s what you get when you sell our soul to the corporate global rulers of the universe.

  2. Ignoring former governor Roemer and his standpoint only indicates to me how mesmerized New Hampshire Republicans have become, based on recent polls in New Hampshire. It seems the whole nation has become captivated by relying only on the primary news media outlets. It appears they are weak in exploring other avenues on their own to consider the viability of other, less reported on, candidates in the race.

    Mixing the news media with big money to hypnotize voters is an art in and of itself. Voters following this lead, as presented by the recent polls, will only lead Independent voters across the nation, such as me, to vote President Obama in for a second term. That is provided the ‘electoral votes’ follow the will of the people they are supposed to represent.

    There are a lot of resources out there to explore the viability of the lesser know candidates’ in a race. Use this to qualify or disqualify a candidate, not that of the huge mass media machine and donations by the new creature, Doe, John Corporation.

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