Andrew Breitbart: ‘Adam Carolla for President’

Comedian, actor and author Adam Carolla had conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart as a guest on his popular podcast (“The Adam Carolla Show”) on Friday, May 12.  

Carolla, who is probably best known for his years hosting the “Man Show” on Comedy Central and radio’s “Loveline” with co-host Dr. Drew, now hosts the most popular daily podcast on iTunes, reaching several hundred thousand listeners per day.

During the free-wheeling, hour-long exchange, Breitbart and Carolla discussed a variety of political and cultural topics.   A seemingly unlikely duo, both men actually share many of the same views — trending conservative on economics, immigration and defense, but generally much more liberal on social issues.   (Warning: the episode, like all Carolla interviews, is pretty heavy on the profanity.)

“By the way, are you aware that the Republican Party has nobody running for the presidency right now,” asked Breitbart after one of Carolla’s trademark rants about the difficulty of getting building permits to add on a garage to his house. “And that if you had put that out there by mistake and people heard that, and that was your spiel, you would have gone up to Donald Trump level, you would have gone up to 17%?”

Breitbart continued: “I’m telling you, if you speak like that, in excactly that language, that’s what this country wants to hear right now. They’re sick of these eunuchs, these white guys who are poll testing everything. It really comes down to brass tacks… I don’t need a politician to run this country, I need somebody who is a contractor. I need someone who has common sense, who has been in the real world within the last 5 years.”

Each time Carolla would go on a new rant about taxes, the LA school system, excessive regulation or general stupidity, Breitbart would come back to his presidential remark and increase the percentage.

“You’re at 42%,” Breitbart chimed in after the comedian slammed California Congressman Maxine Waters.  To which Carolla replied: “Because I called Maxine Waters a c*nt?”

A facebook group, with about 200 members so far, has popped up urging the comedian to run for President. 

Breitbart was a former assistant to Matt Drudge and a key early architect of the Huffington Post.  He now writes, speaks and runs his own network of news aggregation sites at

Breitbart’s new book, Righteous Indignation, was released on April 15.


Adam Carolla

Adam Carolla’s amusing take on the connection between smokers and the gun lobby…

“It’s funny that you used the smoking thing.  I think about that all the time and I always use it as an example of the difference between the guys who wanted to smoke and the NRA…  I secretly suspect this is what the NRA does, not a fan, but this is what they do, this is part of their strategy…see…

So, somebody came into the restaurant and said ‘Hey smokers, you know what, we’re gonna need to move you on over here and just create a little smoking section on this side of the restaurant, so would you just pick it up and move it over here please?’ And everyone went ‘oh yeah, OK,’ and they went and sat in the smoking section.  And then at a certain point, somebody came up and said ‘Hey, uh, smokers listen, uh, gonna need you to clear out of the dining area but if you wanna smoke at the bar that’d be fine‘, and they just sort of got up and went ‘yeak, OK, alright’ and then went and sat at the bar.  And then the same guy came back again and said, ‘bad news, gonna need to move you out front, outside, can’t have any smoking in the bar or the restaurant, just go out front’ so they went  ‘yeah, OK,’ so they stood out on the sidewalk in front of the valet and smoked a cigarette.  And then the guy came out and said ‘gonna need you to move down the street 80 paces to smoke a cigarette’ and you see, they just kept getting up and moving.

What the NRA does is they say, ‘f*ck you, we’re not moving, let’s argue about it,’ and they’re staying where they are.  Meaning, they said, ‘hey man, we need those hollow tip bullets’ and went ‘I don’t think so,’ and now they just argue about it.  Now, I don’t think they’re actually arguing about THAT.  They just don’t wanna keep sliding out down the sidewalk with the smokers.

And this is the way we are, especially in California.  Which is, we go, ‘hey do this,’ and then someone goes ‘alright.’ Or, we’ll go ‘hey put a tax on cigarettes for a dollar,’ and then next time they go ‘hey make it another buck’ and then they go, ‘eh make it 5 bucks!’ And then Rob Reiner goes, ‘it should be 10 bucks!’ And then all the people that don’t smoke and are full of f*cking righteous indignation, they go ‘oh yeah!’ And then someone says ‘give it to the kids’ and then, next thing you know, we’re where we’re at.”

One Comment

  1. I'd vote for him says:

    Sounds like Doug Stanhope. Isn’t socially liberal and fiscally conservative Libertarianism?

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