Kelly Clarkson Actually Supports Gary Johnson

Much has been made this morning over American Idol winner and popular singer Kelly Clarkson’s tweet of support for Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul.

“I love Ron Paul,” Clarkson wrote on Thursday. “I liked him a lot during the last republican nomination and no one gave him a chance. If he wins the nomination for the Republican party in 2012 he’s got my vote. Too bad he probably won’t.”

She continued, “Ron Paul is about letting people decide, not the government. I am for this.”

Her twitter followers were not kind in their responses, pointing out the “racist” and “homophobic” elements of Paul’s past, specifically his newsletters.

The backlash caused Clarkson to clarify her position: ““I am really sorry if I have offended anyone,” she wrote. “Obviously that was not my intent. I do not support racism. I support gay rights, straight rights, women’s rights, men’s rights, white/black/purple/orange rights. I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions and mold our country. That is all. Out of all the Republican nominees, he’s my favorite.”

It sounds like Kelly Clarkson actually support Gary Johnson, she just doesn’t know who he is.

Clarkson would probably find a lot to like about Libertarian candidate, a former two-term governor of New Mexico who supports also marijuana legalization.  Under a Johnson administration, Clarkson could enjoy some of her favorite cookies without having to make the trip to Europe.

Johnson, of course, also favors marriage equality and is free of any troubling racist newsletter ramblings.

Perhaps her twitter followers should alert Ms. Clarkson of the existence of the Gary Johnson campaign.


  1. Pretty sure she said Ron Paul. She doesn’t need the media to think for her as you seem to be use to doing to the American people.

    • Well said jackdemo.

      Clarkson may not be aware of Johnson’s campaign (as many folks aren’t). But to put up a headine that says “Kelly Clarkson Actually Supports Gary Johnson” is at best incredibly misleading, and basically a flat-out lie.

      The author/editor is, to borrow a court phrase, assuming facts not in evidence.

      • Austin Cassidy says:

        Based on the positions she laid out in her follow-up, she supports Gary Johnson… she just doesn’t know who he is.


  2. You know, I personally would be more interested in Ron Paul if every comment section I see wasn’t filled with stuff like jackdemo’s comment. No reasoning, no argument as to why the article is in error, just blind anger at anyone not supporting Ron Paul. Seriously, who do Ron Paul supporters think they’re convincing with this?! Tell me why Ron Paul is a better candidate than Gary Johnson based on the issues (not popularity) and maybe I’d consider voting for the man. Until then, Gary Johnson all the way for this girl.

  3. “I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions”

    I sure would like to know what it is that Kelly Clarkson does not have the freedom to decide! With the kind of cash she has, she could make pigs fly if she so decided.

  4. Ron Paul delivered poor black babies for free when no other doctors would:

  5. PAUL/JOHNSON 2012! says:

    Ldjid please don’t let other supporters steer you away from Ron Paul. I am a ron paul AND gary johnson supporter! I think most of us are GJ supporters and would like to see a RP/GJ ticket! They are the only liberty candidates. The only reason RP is more popular is because of his credibility. So we as patriots don’t need to split our vote between the only 2 liberty candidates. We need to team up and finally “liberate” ourselves from this 2 party monster. Vote Ron in the primaries… if he doesn’t win (though I think he will) vote johnson 3rd party. That’s my plan…

  6. That’s Johnson’s problem, name-recognition. He should’ve spent much more time getting his name out in the open and building up that foundation instead of expecting the establishment to be fair to him.

  7. Kelly Clarkson expresses her support of Ron Paul.

    Austin Cassidy corrects her ignorance, and writes: “Kelly Clarkson actually supports Gary Johnson”.

    Commentor Jackdemo calls out Cassidy for presuming to think for Clarkson.

    Commentor Ldjid calls out Jackdemo for being a blind, angry Ron Paul supporter, although we have no evidence of who Jackdemo supports.

    I myself would consider voting Gary Johnson, if comment sections weren’t lousy with Gary Johnson supporters, telling Kelly Clarkson what to think.

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